Bioidentical Hormone Replacement for Women

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement for Women

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women in Dickson, TN

If your hormones aren't at their optimal levels, you're likely not feeling as healthy and vibrant as you could be. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) works like nature intended, restoring your balance and helping your body thrive. A consultation with our experienced team at Dream Younger Aesthetics will have you on your way to a more youthful, energetic, and happier you!

Renew your youth and enhance your health and quality of life.

* Treatment results may vary from person to person

Hormone Balance Matters

When you think about hormones, you probably picture puberty and the rapid changes the body goes through as it transitions to its young adult form. You're probably also aware that hormones affect your monthly cycle. But did you know that your hormones impact almost all your body's functions? 

Your hormones are powerful chemical messengers secreted by glands around your body directly into the blood, which transports them to organs and tissues. They play an essential role in practically every body function, including growth, sexual function, reproductive health, cognitive function, and mood. 

Your hormones can also stimulate or inhibit cell growth, activate or suppress the immune system, regulate metabolism, and so much more! Even the slightest hormone imbalance can significantly impact your overall health and sense of wellness. 

What Are the Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance in Women?

Symptoms of hormone imbalance in women include hot flashes, night sweats, bloating, fatigue, lack of restful sleep, anxiety, mood swings, problems with blood sugar, and trouble concentrating. Patients often find it challenging to shed those extra pounds, and some women report vaginal dryness and itchiness, decreased sexual function, and thinning of the nails and hair. Hormonal imbalances can also increase the risk of health conditions, including heart disease, osteoporosis, bone loss, bone fractures, diabetes, and more. 

Each woman is unique and may experience different symptoms, so if you feel something's not quite right, trust your gut and contact Dream Younger Aesthetics to have your hormone levels evaluated. If you're experiencing changes due to menopause, or any other reason, we may recommend BHRT to alleviate the unwelcome symptoms. 

What Are Bioidentical Hormones and What Are Their Benefits?

Bioidentical hormones are identical in chemical formulation to your natural hormones. Your body cannot tell the difference between them and the naturally produced ones. That helps eliminate many side effects of conventional hormone replacement therapy using synthetic hormones, including breast cancer. 

The benefits of BHRT are numerous. Optimizing your hormone levels alleviates menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, mood swings, and anxiety. It also reduces the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, cataracts, elevated levels of cholesterol, and a host of health concerns. BHRT helps you lose weight, enhances your energy levels, improves your skin, elevates your mood, and improves your sexual function. 

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy - What Can You Expect?

We will start by evaluating your hormone levels through blood work to create compounded bioidentical hormones fully customized to meet your unique needs. The delivery systems we offer are injections, creams, and gels. With BHRT, you'll feel younger, more vibrant, and more energetic and live life to the fullest once again!